
Report on Condolence Reference for Nazir Dhoki

On July 25, 2024, a condolence reference was held to honor the memory of Nazir Dhoki, a dedicated worker of the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP). The event featured speeches from various prominent figures, reflecting on Nazir Dhoki’scontributions and expressing concerns about the party’s treatment of its loyalists.

Mr. Asif Khan, CEO Shaheed Bhutto Foundation emphasized the need for the party to recognize and accommodate dedicated individuals like Nazir Dhoki in the Senate. He argued that such loyalists, who have devoted their entire lives to the party, deserve this acknowledgment. He alsohighlighted that recognizing and rewarding loyal members is a practice followed by all democratic parties and should be adopted by the PPP as well.

Mr. Zahid Bhutto urged the party to take actions for Nazir Dhoki’s family and children, noting that Nazir Dhoki never sought anything from the party and lived his life in hardship.

Mr. Aijaz Istiaq criticized the PPP leadership for failing to support and respect its loyalists, despite their tireless efforts. He pointed out that respect and status were only granted while Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto was alive.

Mr. Rashid Habib, a senior journalist at ARY News, expressed concern that workers should not be left without support. He felt that justice was not served for Nazir Dhoki.

Mr. Ijaz Ahmad praised Nazir Dhoki’s unwavering loyalty to the party, noting that Nazir Dhoki had the potential to earn millions but chose to dedicate himself entirely to the party. Hewarned that forgetting such workers could signal the beginning of the party’s downfall. He appreciated Mr. BilawalBhutto Zardari gesture of issuing an obituary in Dawn, acknowledging that the party should remember its workers.

Mr. Razzaq Khatti expressed that the love for PPP was ingrained in Nazir Dhoki’s blood.

Mr. Itrat Jaffery recognized that there were truly dedicated political workers within the PPP, including Nazir Dhoki.

Mr. Babar Minha referred to workers as essential assets that keep the party alive.

Mr. Sibti Shah noted that the arrangements for Nazir Dhoki’streatment were inadequate and did not meet the expected standards.

Mr. Salem Mandviwala expressed concern for the party’s image and the need for social work to support loyalists in difficult situations. He emphasized the importance of raising funds to aid such individuals.

Mr. Ch. Manzoor mentioned that it was inappropriate to complain about the party prematurely. He assured that the party could never forget Nazir Dhoki and that he should be given the recognition he deserved.

Mr. Farhatullah Babar reflected on Nazir Dhoki’s loyalty to both the PPP and the Bhutto family. He noted that Nazir Dhoki had applied for a Senate seat and must be disheartenedwhen not selected, but he respected the leadership’s decisions.Despite suggestions that Nazir Dhoki should receive treatment at a private hospital, he chose to stay at the government facility where Bilawal Bhutto Zardari had sent him. This decision underscored his trust and loyalty to the Bhutto family

The speeches collectively highlighted Nazir Dhoki’sunwavering dedication to the PPP and the general concernwas about the party’s treatment and recognition of its loyalists. The event served as a tribute to Dhoki’s contributions and a call for the party to honor and support its dedicated membersand we believe that party will do something in this regard. 

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